Friday, June 4, 2021

Grace Period

 I wasn't really that beat up after the big, stupid thing I did a couple of weeks ago.

Well, compared to what I expected, anyway.

With some major work stress and long hours happening, though, I took a full week off running, and almost all training. 

Though I'm told my approach to elevating my legs is a bit non-traditional

I walked a fair bit, did a couple of gentle strength workouts, and even made some use of a rather dusty contraption I found in the back of my livingroom.

I had to get to the bank to do some work-related deposits anyway..

I had my first Pfizer vaccine on the Friday, and kind of braced myself for the side effects - having seen how Tank got knocked flat by the AstraZeneca shot, I was concerned what impact it might have on me with a rather suppressed immune system from all the running and sleep deprivation of the weekend prior. Things didn't look great on Friday evening, and I arrived home feeling exhausted and mildly buzzed - the reason why the post about the 4x4x48 idiocy didn't make its way onto the internet by the usual Friday deadline.

If you want to complain about it, feel free to go phlox yourself.

I worked through some fatigue and lethargy for most of the weekend, finally feeling back to (what we'll call) normal by Sunday afternoon...coincidentally when I finally managed to get that post published. With that out of the way, I was able to do the one thing I'd hoped to be up for:

And it actually went really well, on a truly beautiful afternoon!

By Monday I was itching to get back out for a run, so went for a short, easy trot 'round the neighbourhood once I finally finished up work. I ran Tuesday as well; a little longer than I'd meant to, but just for pure joy.

The trail was only a tiny portion of it - it's only ~1km - but it was delightful!

Wednesday I worked super late again, and wasn't going to run. I had decided to take another day off, especially as it was pissing rain out. Then, however, I popped into instagram for a minute just after 10pm and realized I had to go.

Two slow, soggy miles later.

I ran again yesterday, because why not? But let me tell you, either the post-idiocy fatigue or the post-vaccine effects have definitely got me feeling a little more sore and tired than I ordinarily would from the volume and intensity of running and strength work I've done this week.

I'm on the path to recovery, but I haven't arrived yet.

So I'm going to try to continue to offer myself some grace, because I've quite enjoyed being able to just do whatever feels good, and I know that the siren song of longer, harder training will call me back before long.

For now, I'm happy to just walk in sunshine and let my body heal. I ask a lot of it at times, so it's only fair I should give back here and there.

It might not be the one I'd choose, but it's what I've got and it does its best.

I hope you all remember to offer yourselves the opportunity to do what you want instead of simply what you feel you must this weekend - you're pretty awesome, and you should honour that awesomeness!

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