Friday, April 5, 2019


A lot of stuff is "supposed to" at the moment.

I was supposed to stop running to the market on Saturdays.

Yet there I was, even in the pissing rain.

I did mean I was able to catch this waterfall, which only runs a handful of days each year.

It's supposed to be spring.

This little guy - spotted on the Cambridge to Paris Rail Trail on Saturday - thinks so!

Yet this is what I woke up to on Sunday.

I was rather worried about my little amphibian friend.

Don't get me wrong - it was actually delightful running through the fresh, deep snowfall on the Royal Rec Trail early Sunday afternoon.

Almost enough for a snowshoe run, but a little too much exposed ground on the main trail

The leaden skies turned the Speed River to flowing chrome

Like running in Narnia

I didn't honestly believe we were done with snow for the season - I just hadn't expected quite so much all in one go.

Or to snowjob myself on the last day of March by failing to duck adequately.

I was also supposed to stop doing doubles, with the 100 runs in 100 days challenge being over.

But there I was, running 20k to Paris on the rail trail after having run to the market Saturday morning..

..then following up the snowy pre-brunch run with some laps at the indoor track on Sunday evening.

So I think at this point it's safe to say we can throw out "supposed to" and just get on with it.

Which - since this is my mileage for the last 7 days - I rather believe I am.

With time running out before the start of race season, I'm making a conscious effort to get more time on feet each week to try to prepare for the ultra events I've got planned. I'm not necessarily where I'd like to be, but I'm getting closer and staying more or less healthy - those are more important than "supposed to" right now, so I'll just keep on pushing.

Little efforts over time can add up to amazing things.

Like falling water carving a rock into a butt!

So if I'm not where I'm supposed to be, maybe I'm just where I belong right now.

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