Friday, April 12, 2019

Creeping up

I'm finally starting to see signs of  true spring, and to feel like a runner again.

This sort of thing helps immensely.
I still can't seem to kick the habit of double runs, so the weekend kicked off with the usual meander down to the market.

It's just such a lovely way to start a day.

The thermometer read 4c when I left, so I was in knicks, full sleeves and gloves - while it's been milder lately, I know there's still some lingering winter out there.

The trail itself may be clear, but there's still snow and ice about.

The sun warmed things up dramatically - I was only a kilometer in before I was zipping down the collar of my shirt, and by halfway I'd pushed up my sleeves and ditched my gloves in my pack.

Almost impossible to dress "correctly" when there's an 8 degree difference from start to finish.

After some errands, brunch and faffing about, I finally got out for a run I've been meaning to do for awhile..

So many of my friends will know where I mean just from seeing this.

I'd heard that Dundas Valley Conservation Area trail conditions were "Mostly frozen mud, a bit of water puddling in low spots" on Friday afternoon, and hoped that meant I'd have an ice-free lap. I left the spikes at home, but brought a pole along just in case.

Thankfully, I wouldn't need it.

I seldom do the exact Sulphur Springs loop, and this was no exception - why would I bypass beautiful Canterbury Falls when it's just a training run?

This is exactly why I run trails.

I was just taking it easy and enjoying myself - time wasn't an issue here, but footing occasionally was.

I haven't really run anything that would kill me with a misstep lately..

I told myself I wouldn't bother with the Sulphur Creek crossover if it was too muddy. Then I realised I'd done it 5 times in one day while it was all manner of splurpy and slippery, so went for it anyway.

Feels like 2017..

Having added about 10lbs per shoe, I trucked along as the sun dropped from the sky..

I'm not kidding.

Through the grassy bog of the G. Donald Trail, then the rolling hills of the Reforestation Trail. It was heading for dark as I hit the Headwaters lollipop, with nothing but mud and darkness through the loop at the top. I won't tell you I wasn't a little scared; I haven't done any headlamp trailrunning lately, and conditions weren't the easiest, but I know I have a night trail race coming so better to get some time in now.

I eventually made it out safely, and up the Martin Road climb to Tanker and our car.

I was delighted to find that I was still in decent shape when I finished - neither feet nor legs nor ankles were too beat up, possibly from the softer surface provided by the prolific mud. Still, it felt good to be able to put in over 4 hours of running in a day without ending up prostrate, with the second run being just over 3 hours. 

With that 33km in my legs from Saturday and a cable tech appointment around noon on Sunday, I decided it was time to kick the doubles habit and finally do a longer Sunday afternoon run. The Grand River Trail from Kolb Park seemed like a fair bet - groomed trail but some decent hills to mix things up for my tired legs.

It starts around river level, but climbs a wee bit as you head west..

The trails weren't quite as ice-free as I could have hoped.

It just had to be on one of the hills, too, right?

Nonetheless, I got another 13km in for 46-ish for the weekend. It might have felt a bit odd running on ice in a skirt, but the legs were there and that's something I've not really been able to say in quite a long time.

If this is weird, then I'm diggin' weird.

As race season draws closer, I'm delighted that I'm starting to feel some strength and fitness returning that seemed like it was gone for far too long. I kept on rolling through the week, and managed to cobble together some half decent mileage for my Saturday to Thursday training block.

That'll do.
Hell, I even ended up on the Slowtwitch leaderboard for the first time in ages!

I've actually had a pretty solid build over the last few weeks, too, and have even got myself down to a weight I haven't seen since at least fall of 2017...fortunately managing all this without falling ill or doing myself too much harm.

*knocking wood*

Part of the reason I've been able to push through, though, is knowing I'll have a bit of a recovery week built in - it begins with today's day off, and will continue through next Saturday. I'll still be getting some running in, but it's likely to be lower mileage and certainly a little more relaxed.

And hopefully with lots of time spent with this guy right here <3

So you'll be spared my blathering on about training and suchlike next week, while I go try to absorb some of the fitness from the work I've done lately.

I'm outta here!

Be good to yourselves, and kind to each other!

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