Friday, July 21, 2023


 As I head into taper, things have been getting a little wild out there.

A rare moment of peace

There was a deluge before last Saturday's run to the market, and rain with distant grumbles of thunder for a run Sunday evening. 

..which did admittedly clear to quite a lovely sunset

Monday, though, was the worst of it. I set off out the door in sunshine, and almost immediately big, fat drops of rain began to fall.

The skies did not look encouraging

I had no other time I could go, though, so I kept pushing on. It got worse - a LOT worse.


By halfway through, it was absolutely bucketing down, with the wind whipping it sideways in gusts.

The deluge continued, with the streets awash in dancing rivers of rainwater.

The noise was astonishing

It continued to hammer down even as the sun came out

First just a peek through the clouds..

..then clearing further..

Me? I was absolutely soaked.

I left a huge puddle in my kitchen where I stood waiting for Tank to bring me a towel

As I got down to the last couple of hundred metres, the rain finally tapered off, leaving a huge rainbow - with faint bits of double-stacked colours, and even the shadow of a second rainbow - arcing across the sky.


Once inside and accommodated with a towel, I had to deal with my footwear.

..and then quickly towel off and change, to head out to dinner with Tank and my mum. At least the weather saved needing to shower - happy birthday to me!

Grateful for Beertown having a covered patio so we could still eat outside, not to mention delicious allergen-friendly desserts

Hope you're all staying dry out there - have a great weekend!

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