Friday, June 9, 2023


 It's been a bit of a struggle lately

Feeling like it's all uphill

Between trying to push mileage up in a totally not panicked attempt to prepare for a really stinkin' long race that is now (*gulp*) next month and playing hockey a couple of times per week, the old body is taking a bit of a beating.

This is my "I just ran 13km, changed, then played an hour of hockey" face

I've also been trying to lift a little heavier while I don't have any immediately upcoming events.

Squats and deadlifts and walking lunges, oh my!

..and of course conditions outside haven't been helping. While it finally cooled off from that ridiculous heat at the end of May, June has brought something much more insidious.

..which does admittedly lead to some interesting sunsets.

While I know I've no right to complain compared to those who are losing their homes to the wildfires in Alberta, Quebec, and Nova Scotia, the smoke has been enough to give me headaches while just sitting at my desk in my home office. I'd close the windows, but without a central heat/air system (our house is...interesting) it's my only real source of cooling and air circulation as the sun heats the upper floor.

..which typically happens when the smoke smell is at its peak.

It makes my throat burn, too, when I'm out running. I try to go later in the day when the wind drops and offers a bit of reprieve.

But puffs of acrid air still persist into the night

As a result of all of this, I've been giving myself the grace to walk a lot more on my runs. It may not be the best thing for building fitness, but at least it's a bit gentler on my body and lungs as I approach peak mileage - more than I've run on a weekly basis since maybe 2019.

Is it enough? Only time will tell

I hope the smoke disappears soon, partly for my own comfort but mostly out of concern for those most at risk.

Not to mention all that beautiful forest

Today's rain has significantly reduced the smoke smell in the air, and hopefully more has fallen in those areas that need it most.

Though I hope they got more than the sprinkling we did

Hope you are all safe from the fires' destructive impacts - to both property and health.

..and that we all have lovely forests in which to play.

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