Friday, May 19, 2023


 There's more than one way to experience a race.

..and it can be just as much fun and a lot less painful!

Tank and I got a text from a friend mid-last week asking if we were available Saturday, as some volunteers for Conquer the Canuck - a race in our home town of Cambridge, ON - would be unable to fulfill their commitments due to a family tragedy. I was able to re-arrange things a bit to free up our afternoon and evening, so after a quick trip to the farmers' market to re-supply and a bite to eat, we got out butts down to Shade's Mills Conservation Area via a back route and headed to the aid station around 3km into the (new) 6.25km loop.

..which I learned was a thing much later on. It used to be 8.33km

We joined two young lads - Mason & Christian, who'd been there since early morning, as the 12hr race had started at 7am - who then headed out a little less than an hour later, leaving Tank and I with the mosquitoes and a bunch of snacks.

Tank putting up his sign

It was a lovely spot - apart from the bugs, for which we'd providently brought repellent - with poplar fluff blowing on the breeze across the trail that would lead runners to us.

It's like snow without the cold

It was a beautiful afternoon, too - around 22c/72f, with pleasant shade under the tent. This race used to be held the 2nd weekend in June, and was typically very hot. The milder May weather was a nice change!

It also meant parts of the course were blanketed in trilliums

By 5pm the racers on course had thinned out considerably, with all of the 50k runners done and many of the 12hr racers bowing out early. I figured Tank could likely hold things down at the aid station by himself.

I mean all I really do is yell WOOO a lot anyway

Coincidentally, right around the time I was ready to go trotting off (of course I was there in running kit), Clay came through on one of his final laps of the 12hr. Since he seemed open to a bit of company, off we went!

He was still moving really well

The course is stunning - rolling little hills through a mix of coniferous and hardwood forest.

Some of the trail runs along a stream that feeds the reservoir

Shade's Mills is an absolute jewel situated in the south of Cambridge - I'm so grateful to have it close by, and we purchase an annual GRCA membership so we can take full advantage at all times of the year.

It's one of my favourite places to snowshoe run, and used to host the Winter Goose Chase snowshoe race

Clay and I did his final lap and a half together, with him flying the flag high as he crossed the finish line for the last time.

He ran a little more than 81km on the day!

Then I was on my own for the half-lap back to help Tank pack up.

The race director was already on course starting to pick up the markers and tape

It was nearly 7pm by the time I reached the aid station, and Tank already had most things broken down and ready for pickup by the race crew.

No runners had been permitted to start a lap - except me - past 6:30pm

I helped him get the tent down and into its case, and then the race crew turned up with their wagon full of course markings and plenty of thanks for our help - all of which should have gone to Tank, because I mean really what did I do?

..except enjoy a gorgeous day in a truly stunning place, and keep a friend company for a bit while he absolutely slayed it.

We even had a bit of a treat as we pulled out to head home.

A pretty little doe crossed just ahead of our car

If you haven't volunteered at a race - especially if you participate in them regularly - I put the question to you: why not? You have the opportunity to help people achieve their goals, while experiencing beautiful places, and hanging out with fun folks both behind the table and stopping by as they make their way 'round the course. It's like a little party in the woods with all-you-can-eat snacks and a constant stream of visitors! Volunteers are also the only way races can happen, so if you're a racer who doesn't volunteer, you're not giving back to a community from which you derive value.

I guarantee you'll be welcomed at any race you choose to support!

So go on - find an event that works with your schedule, and throw your hat in to help out. You'll get more thanks in one day than most people see in a month, and you might just have some fun, too!


  1. I wondered if you'd been there when yesterday I ran into a cyclist during hill repeats who said he'd done his first ultra there last weekend!

    1. I feel like I'm getting predictable 😹
      How fantastic that your acquaintance finished their first ultra, though - I love seeing people push beyond what they thought were their limits! 🎉🏅


Go on, have at me!