Friday, April 9, 2021

Early start

 While it seems like it was a very long winter, spring is definitely coming along nicely.

Though maybe not quite to the point we pushed it last weekend

Easter weekend was a delight, even if it started off chilly.

We were bundled up pretty well to go for a hike at Rattlesnake Point

In spite of the gorgeous sunshine

..there's still ice down in the clefts where the sun doesn't reach.

Did I just admit to having wandered into where the sun don't shine? 


Saturday dawned chilly as well.

Fleece skirt and ice by Devil's Creek Falls kind of chilly for a run down to the market

..but the sun warmed things nicely in the morning, and we were busy indoors having brunch through the cloudiness that set in during the afternoon.

And celebrating Easter, as one does.

We were again treated to gorgeous sunshine for an evening wander at Sudden Tract.

Still not super warm, but I don't recall seeing any ice

Such a lovely place for a stroll

The main event, though? That was Sunday.

You may recall that I completely ill-advisedly cross country skied on the Grand River on February 20th.

Six weeks and one day later, I had something entirely different in mind.

Which was - if I'm being honest - almost as dumb an idea as chancing the river ice.

It was 16c and the river was drenched in sun, but the water was probably only about 2c at most. Nonetheless, off we went!

Yep, Tank was game too - he's such a good sport, even though the water was cold enough that his feet cramped up when he went to launch his kayak!

Paddling the exact same stretch of river we'd so recently skied

We were only on the water for a little more than 20mins, but it was plenty to show me just how out of paddling shape I was. Fortunately - possibly thanks to the balance training I've been doing lately - I only had a couple of minor wobbles, and didn't come off!

'cause I was definitely not wearing a survival suit.

It was so pleasant to be on the water again, even if my shoulders and back were feeling it later.

Thanks to a 20c day in November, it had been a couple of days shy of 5 months since the last time we paddled.

Of course, we might even have stayed out later, but we both figured this qualified as a high-risk maneuver. 

..which meant of course we needed ice cream, and they were only open limited hours.

So it seems I'm keeping up this whole "living a little more balanced life" thing, and having quite a bit of fun doing it (though I did get out for a trail run Sunday evening as well). Of course, now that my ankle and my knee seem to be starting to cooperate again, I'll have to start getting in some longer runs to prepare for some challenges I plan to take on later this year...but with 24c predicted for tomorrow, I might just have to play long run hooky for one more day.

I might not even need sleeves this time!

Hope you all get out for some fun in the sun!

1 comment:

Go on, have at me!