Friday, October 7, 2022

Fall-ing in love again

 For someone who hates being cold, it seems a bit odd I'd be happy about the demise of the warm weather.

..though it comes with some lovely perks

The older I get, the more I come to realize that summer isn't really my favourite season after all. As much as I adore not needing a jacket for days or weeks on end, and fun on the water that usually only happens in summer, it's really autumn that steals the show each year.

..and there are still some chances to get out on the water, if you've got the kit to keep you warm!

I adore the flare of the sugar maples as they trade their green coats for flashy red raiments.

A local stunner

I love the low sun angle, which seems to cast golden hues over everything it touches, especially as the days draw in.

This? This is perfection.

I do find it difficult to adjust to the shorter days, but the sunsets can be so spectacular.

Even if it's just on the way home from a paddle

..or the same old view from the neighbourhood, with 10,000% more colour

Frankly, the colours even look spectacular in the dark.

Which is a good thing when there's so much more dark

I'm kind of torn about the change in the weather - we certainly had a couple of very warm days left, and I was glad to take advantage!

Especially since some of my skully stuff is definitely better suited to a hot day

..but it's also nice to snuggle into sweaters again, and pull out some of my cozy cooler weather running kit.

Partly so I can move a little slower, and drink in all the beauty

The falling leaves can make things a little more treacherous on the trails - hiding roots and rocks that could damage an ankle or send me sprawling - but once again, that's just another excuse to slow down and look!

As if I need an excuse to stop and admire this!

Autumn is also the season when I try to make a bit of a difference: next Saturday (October 15th), I'll be running for 24 hours around a 1.019 mile loop in Sandy hills Regional Forest outside Elmira, Ontario as part of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada's Move For Mental Health campaign - a little event called Three Days in the Park that you may recall I did last year as well.

Hoping I'm able to run for more than the first 8 hours this time..

I'd be so grateful if you could make a donation - which you can do securely via THIS LINK - toward their efforts to defeat depression. $25 and up gets you a tax receipt, but any amount is appreciated! I'll be running the whole thing in costume this year, and my getup has crossed the line from epic into absolutely ridiculous, so beware that one of the sillier race reports of all time will be coming soon!

And the bar is already set pretty high in that regard...or perhaps low?

In the meantime, have yourself an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving weekend - I know I have so much to be thankful for!

Including this guy right here!

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