Friday, April 1, 2022

The Duck Rule

 I have a rule when it comes to trail running

Yeah, really just one - the rest are more loose guidelines

That rule is pretty simple: if ducks can swim on it - or if they are in fact doing so - then it's not a trail anymore.

Not a trail.

I can handle some wet, even if the wind is howling and blowing fat, fluffy snowflakes around.

This passes the test

When rivers jump their banks and try to pose as trail, though, I'm not having any of it.

I'm on to your shenanigans - NOT A TRAIL

I will even consider it trail if it's a bit flooded, but either too shallow for a duck to swim, or narrow enough to jump over.

Yep, that counts as trail.

..but the moment it's up to or above my ankles and has a current to it, I'm noping out.

The ducks can have it

Unless, of course, it's a point-to-point and I've got no choice..

In that case it's splashy time

Rules were made to be broken, right?

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