Friday, March 24, 2023


 Man, that felt like a long one.

Winter, that is.

While I don't think we had quite so many days of snow as last year, we definitely had more big snowfalls - 10cm/4" or more at a time - than I can remember in the past couple of decades. As for the sun? It seemed to go into hibernation.

That's not just my impression, either

Fortunately, we can put it all behind us, because SPRING arrived this week!

Almost worth losing an hour of sleep!

The Rare Charitable Research Reserve singletrack is back open, so I got to say hello to some old friends - by which I mean trails - on my run down to the market on Saturday.

While the weather alternated between blinding sun and blinding snowsqualls

It came up sunny in the afternoon, though, so I did my first double since the end of the 100 in 100 at beautiful Shade's Mills Conservation Area.

I did the 101 runs in 100 days that I'd aimed for.
I decided early on just to take it (relatively) easy, and I'm glad I did.

Sunday was more pleasant still - despite a bit of nasty, gusty wind, I actually had a wonderful traipse through the woods on another trail I'd not seen in some while.

..after the morning's snowsqualls had blown away.

Since then, the temperatures have risen, and I've even been able to get out here and there jacketless and with some exposed skin.


Of course it's not all good news: with the thawing due to sun and overnight freeze happening virtually every day, the ice has been pretty nasty in some places.

I'm sure happy I have traction devices

Even spikes can be somewhat of an issue with the milder temperatures: there's been a lot of mixed ice, snow, and mud out there, which can lead to this.

Not exactly helpful for traction

..but I'm greatly looking forward to clear trails without lumpy, crusted ice and snow. It's been a tough one for my hips, knees, and ankles this year, and I kind of need those.

Especially since this continues to be a thing

So even though there's a freezing rainstorm on the way for tomorrow morning, I'll trust that there are better things ahead!

Though I do love me a sunny day in the snow

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