Friday, June 3, 2022


 I know I was kind of harsh on spring about a month and a half ago

In my defense, things looked a lot different outside back then

It's still spring for a few more weeks, but conditions outside are immeasurably more pleasant.

The forests have gone green instead of dirty browns and greys

Instead of last year's dead leaves, the trails are now lined with thousands of beautiful flowers.

Delicately scented phlox

Magnificently perfumed lily of the valley

Cheerful little daisies

..and some kind of flowering tree with which I'm not familiar

While we've struggled to get any consistent heat, I've been able to leave my jackets behind for some time now - even as my cranky ankle still has me oscillating between outings that are more run than walk, and ones that are more walk than run, I'm typically comfortable in shorts or a skirt and t-shirt no matter the actual exertion level.

Nice to be able to pause by a tiny waterfall without getting chilled

The return of the mosquitoes has not necessarily been welcome - I keep forgetting to apply bug spray, and have suffered the consquences.

..though it definitely helps you keep running if you were starting to feel lazy.

So while not everything is wonderful - my ankle is still a problem, and my lower back issues might actually be getting worse - at least it's a great deal lovelier outside to help take my mind off it.

If you've gotta suffer, might as well do so in sunshine, surrounded by flowers

Maybe spring isn't so bad after all.

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