Friday, April 24, 2020

The Struggle real.

I know I'm not the only one who is having a hard time keeping up training while being forced to adapt to an ever-changing, endlessly complicated world. The weather hasn't helped, either; this week's mix of powerful wind, persistent cold, chilly rain, and stupid snow - sometimes all at the same time - has definitely not helped. So, I don't know who all needs to hear this, but..

IF YOU RAN IN NASTY WEATHER TODAY - I'm proud of you for getting out there!

IF YOU DIDN'T RUN TODAY DUE TO NASTY WEATHER - I'm proud of you for letting discretion be the better part of valor!

We all bloom better with some sunshine and warmth.

IF YOU RAN IN LOVELY WEATHER TODAY - I'm still proud of you for getting out there!

IF YOU RAN INDOORS TODAY - I'm proud of you for getting it done!

We all have to follow our own path

IF YOU DIDN'T RUN TODAY DUE TO FATIGUE, ILLNESS OR INJURY - I'm proud of you for listening to your body's needs, and I hope you're feeling better soon!

IF YOU DIDN'T RUN TODAY JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T FEEL LIKE IT - I'm proud of you for taking care of your mental health, and ask that you please don't beat yourself up about it.

A rolling stone gathers no moss, but mossy rocks are beautiful!

IF YOU DIDN'T GET OUT OF YOUR PAJAMAS TODAY - I'm proud of you for making it out of bed. Have a glass of water; hydration is important.

Also, have this photo of a sunset along a riverside trail.

IF YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT OUT OF BED TODAY - I'm proud of you for letting yourself get some rest. You can try again tomorrow, or not.

For now, just let your mind and body fill with peace.

No matter how much or how little you accomplished today, it is enough - YOU are enough. High fives to all those who are still crushing their goals; you're doing amazing! If you fell short of what you wanted to achieve, offer yourself grace; it doesn't make you less worthy, and you can try again another time.

I know you'll get it, because you're awesome!

Now, if I can just remember to apply all this to myself when the days get rough..

The shoe doesn't always fit the other foot so well.

 Stay strong out there - wishing you all good health and peace of mind.

Oh yeah, and don't forget I'M PROUD OF YOU!

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