Friday, February 22, 2013

A year already?

Yes folks, it's now been a year since that first ill advised blog post. At almost 9,000 views, I'm nearly certain there are at least a couple of people reading who aren't my mother or my husband - hopefully they found what they were looking for, except for that one who apparently landed here by using "butt plug Gravenhurst" as their search terms.

A whole year of bad crayon art!

The 2013 season is shaping up to be a good one: I've already registered for a number of races including the inaugural 65km Steaming Nostril off-road cycling race on March 24th and the 20th anniversary Paris to Ancaster off-road mudfest with new-and-improved 70km route on April 14th, both of which will be accompanied by Tanker. After all that cycling I'll be attempting to run again at the 10th anniversary edition of the Mississauga Half Marathon on May 5th, then Tanker and I will saddle up again for the 100km route at the Cambridge Tour de Grand on June 9th. The "A" race for the year will be the Welland Half Iron triathlon on June 23rd, which will hopefully happen without a massive SI joint injury this time. As the cherry on top, Belwood has returned as part of the MultiSport Canada Triathlon Series after having been dropped by that other series last year. Tanker and I are already registered as the ill advised racing relay team for the 750m-30k-7.5k sprint on July 20th. There will be a couple of other races sprinkled in there as well, but I'm already pretty stoked! The winter insulation (courtesy of my Christmas baking) is coming off a little faster than last year, I managed not to spend most of January injured and grumpy due to lack of running, and I'm generally feeling pretty optimistic.

Moving forward, I'll try to continue with the gear reviews and other potentially edifying stuff...but realistically you can expect a lot more self-serving race reports, mundane tri-babble (AERO TRANSITION CADENCE BRICK SPANDEX RAWRR!), bad humour and even worse drawings.

It's what I do.

Thanks for reading - hope you at least had some laughs!


  1. Happy blogiversary.

    I continue to enjoy your posts and look forward to the race reports for 2013.


    1. Thank you for your kind words, John, and thanks for reading!


Go on, have at me!